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Some landlords got a piece of Texas’ $2 billion in rent relief money — and evicted their struggling tenants anyway

It’s unclear whether landlords face any penalties from state agencies for improperly evicting tenants while receiving rent relief dollars intended to help those tenants stay housed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Joshua Fechter

“The industry standard here is fraud.” — Stuart Campbell, Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center
“The industry standard here is fraud,” said Stuart Campbell, managing attorney at Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center, speaking generally about instances in which landlords receive rent relief funds and evict tenants. “These landlords are the prime beneficiary of these rental assistance programs and just en masse have been violating the provisions of the programs and on top of that consistently misleading judges and securing judgments and evictions, even when they’re receiving funds.”

“I was a good tenant”

“Tenants are still the ones holding the bag”

“It takes away your pride”

This story was originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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