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St. David’s Foundation Awards HCWC Over $500,000 In Grant Funding

Corridor Staff

The Hays Caldwell Women’s Center has been awarded a grant of $567,804 to help support the community and navigate the short- and long-term road ahead.

The award is part of the St. David’s Foundation’s spring grants.

“The pandemic has unleashed a unique and complicated set of challenges for organizations of all types—from nonprofits and government entities to local businesses and multinational corporations,” the foundation said.

The St. David’s Foundation awarded grants totaling $22,316,753 to organizations throughout Central Texas including CommuniCare Health Centers and Spirit Reins.

In these distinctive times, St. David’s Foundation said they recognized the need for local nonprofits to have the flexibility in responding to the current needs of the community and determined it was vital to convert spring grants to unrestricted, general operating support to ensure the day-to-day operations.

St. David’s Foundation’s spring grant recipients represent organizations serving some of our most vulnerable populations across our five-county region.

“This also allows our nonprofit partners’ maximum flexibility to respond to the crisis most effectively,” the foundation said in a release. “Now is the time to stand by partners and ensure they can continue to provide the resources and services our community so urgently needs.”

The full list of organizations and non-profits that were recipients of the St. David’s Foundation’s spring grants can be found here.

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