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State transportation plan accounting for $11.5B increase over last year’s estimate

The Texas Department of Transportation’s statewide plan for transportation projects was recently updated to reflect an $11.5 billion increase from last year’s forecast. The 2023 Unified Transportation Program (UTP) accounts for additional funding from federal and state sources.

Federal additions and adjustments tied to the Infrastructure and Jobs Act constitute $8 billion of the UTP’s additional funding. The remainder of the additional funding for the 2023 forecast comes from legislative activity at the state level.

Actions taken at the state level to increase funding include authorization of $2 billion for the Texas Mobility Fund, a $1.1 billion increase in the Texas Emission Reduction Program (TERP), and the state’s Propositions 1 and 7.

The total $11.5 billion addition will enable funding increases for Bridge & Safety program supplements as well as TxDOT’s maintenance, preservation, connectivity, and mobility needs.

The 2023 UTP forecast also accounts for potential increases for the statewide ferry program ($15 million per year) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) program ($5 million per year).

Although the UTP does not offer the same guarantees as a budget because it is based on potential revenue rather than available funding, the updated version offers insight into TxDOT’s funding priorities for the next 10 years.

The Texas Transportation Commission approves the UTP annually, and TxDOT publishes the approved UTP each year. Commissioners recently received an update on the plan and are scheduled to vote on it in August.

Source: Strategic Partnerships

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