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Students Protest In Quad In Response To Trump’s Election

By, Bri Watkins

A crowd full of students at Texas State University have gathered in the quad to partake in a protest against president-elect Donald Trump.

Students assembled around the stallion at 8 a.m., and the crowd has grown by the hour.

Erika Freeman said she was in tears of joy from seeing how many people came out here to stand up for their rights.

“We aren’t sitting here trying to bash Trump. We just want peace within the community. People are fearful,” Freeman said. “We want to come together, and we want our voices to be heard.”

Freeman said she was astonished when she saw Hays County show up red on Tuesday night and decided to speak up for what she believes in, even if people disagree.

“Tomorrow I’m going to be out here, even if I’m the only one. I may not be making the biggest difference, but I will have my voice heard,” Freeman said. “I don’t want my rights taken away. As a female, as being part black, as being bi-sexual, if I fall in love with a female I want to be able to marry her in the long run.”

The University Police Department defined the protest as peaceful, but they are on alert to step in if needed.

“I was fearful because someone is going to attack me because I’m black or because I am bi-sexual,” Freeman said.

Grayson Trygar is also among one of the protesters, holding up a sign that read “if you aren’t afraid, you are privileged.”

“(Trump) has made some really blatantly discriminatory comments. I think as an American, if you vote for someone who makes those blatantly discriminatory comments, then you are going against American values,” Trygar said. “Somehow, we gave in to that fire as a nation, and he got elected, and I don’t understand how that happened.”

Students in the quad have sung the Star Spangled Banner as well as songs about love. Trump supporters, Love Trumps Hate, and Black Lives Matter supporters are all part of the protest. Arguments, as well as peaceful conversations, have gone on throughout the protest.

The Texas State chant has been yelled periodically throughout the protest to resounding cheers.

The protest stems from student’s feelings of fear on campus and the need to show love to all people. Freeman and Trygar both agreed that students are fearful with Trump reigning as president, especially after the controversial flier incident.

On Wednesday, supporters of president-elect Donald Trump distributed fliers around campus that read “go arrest and torture those deviant university leaders.”

Denise Trauth, president of Texas State, immediately sent out an email after the incident, encouraging students to remain unified in a time of differences in belief and emotions, during this transition.

“As Bobcats our aim should be to better understand that which causes divisions among us and to work toward strengthening our bond as a university community,” Trauth said. “Constructive dialogue is the best way to achieve this goal.”


While there is a Love Trumps Hate rally happening there are students on campus being disrespectful to others based on their looks alone. Denise Cervantes, lifestyle editor, was sitting alone waiting for her class to start when she was spat at because she is a minority and told she shouldn’t be at this university anymore.

President Trauth sent out another email.

Some professors have asked their students how they feel. They responded they are scared.

Signs are also being hung at San Marcos High School about a Trump protest on The Square tomorrow at 5 p.m.

University Star

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