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Superintendent Search Group Seeks Input

The San Marcos CISD Board of Trustees considers staff, parent, and community input crucial components of the search process for the next San Marcos CISD Superintendent. This online survey asks for your thoughts on priority educational strengths and opportunities facing SMCISD, as well as, the experience and qualifications you consider important for the next leader of our district.
The survey has been developed by James Guerra, Principal Consultant with JG Consulting of Austin, Texas. The contact information is (214) 934-5537,james@jgconsulting.us, and the website is www.jgconsulting.us.
The survey is anonymous, and survey results will be shared with the Board of Trustees. We hope you will take a few minutes to be part of this important community input process. The survey link is on the district website at www.smcisd.net, in a blue box in the left margin.
Additionally, JG Consulting has scheduled a meeting on January 21, at 6 pm, in the Goodnight Middle School cafeteria, to personally meet with parents and community members who want to express their opinions and ask questions of the committee. You are encouraged to attend.

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