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TAB Statement Regarding Non-Traditional Students

Hammond:  We must consider new ways for adults to complete their education


AUSTIN, TX— The following statement may be attributed to Bill Hammond, CEO, Texas Association of Business:


“We urge the House Higher Education Committee to endorse the use of prior learning assessments. That would allow Texans to get full college credit for the skills they already have and speed up their time to get a degree or other post-secondary certificate,” said Bill Hammond, CEO, Texas Association of Business.


“We also believe the WGU Texas model of competency based education would be another good way to help adults, who dropped out of college, get a degree in a minimal amount of time and with fewer dollars, two major issues that stand in the way of many people completing their education.


“If we are to meet the goal of the 60x30TX plan, we must reach out to the many Texans who have made progress on a college degree but haven’t completed it, thus turning them into graduates.”

As the state chamber of commerce, the Texas Association of Business is the most influential and dominant voice for public policy issues affecting business in Texas.   Through proven results-oriented advocacy and member services, TAB develops a climate in Texas which enables more than 4,000 business members and their 600,000+ employees to operate efficiently and profitably, thus creating new jobs.  TAB is proud to be the official state partner of the National Association of Manufacturers.

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