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Tanger Outlets San Marcos is swarming with local honeybee hive updates

Staff Reports

SAN MARCOS — Some new residents have been hard at work this summer Tanger Outlets San Marcos. Thousands of honeybees have recently joined the ranks of workers and shoppers as part of a pollinator project in partnership with Alveole, a social beekeeping company. The bee-friendly center’s newest winged wonders are officially situated and acquainted with their rooftop hive, cared for by resident beekeeper, Kevin Kohli. The shopping destination unveils buzz-worthy updates to allow city dwellers to reconnect with nature and do their part in environmental responsibility efforts.

In celebration of the new eco-friendly program, the center enlisted the local community to help name its Queen Bee. Tanger Outlets San Marcos is buzzing with excitement to announce that votes are in, and Her Majesty’s official name is La Reina Aquarena. Queen La Reina Aquarena has laid over 2,000 eggs each day that has now hatched into a whopping 9,000 female workers and male drone bees. The court of bees are currently preparing for the official honey harvest, set to take place on July 20. After the harvest, local beekeeper Kevin Kohli will welcome the community for interactive workshops. To learn more about upcoming events and information, follow along on Facebook and Instagram.

“We’re fortunate to have the opportunity to host the honeybee colony with the support of our local Alveole beekeeper,” said Tanger Outlets Allison Murphy, Marketing Director. “Our mission is to educate our community about the importance of these pollinators in our ecosystem while engaging our shoppers and taking actionable steps to support our hive during the honey production season.”

At the end of the season, the hardworking honeybees will have produced the equivalent of one hundred jars of hyperlocal, artisanal honey per urban apiary. Tanger Outlets San Marcos plans to harvest the honey to share with its neighbors.

Shoppers can visit the bees’ online profile at My Hive to see monitor their progress, discover their foraging range and check out photos, videos and upcoming beekeeper visit dates.

For more information on upcoming workshops, please visit tangeroutlet.com/sanmarcos and follow along on Facebook and Instagram.

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