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Taxes going Up Again On Cigarette And Roll Your Own (RYO) Cigarette Tobacco Products

Taxes going Up Again On Cigarette And Roll Your Own (RYO) Cigarette Tobacco Products 

New HB 3536 fee rates have been calculated at the statutory minimum increase and will take effect Feb. 1, 2015, for 12 consecutive months.

The new rates for Feb. 1, 2015, through Jan. 31, 2016, are shown below:

  • Non-Settling Manufacturers (NSM) or Subsequent Participating Manufacturers (SPM) (with credit amendment) – 2.9175 cents per cigarette stick or 0.09 ounces of cigarette tobacco product.
  • Subsequent Participating Manufacturers (SPM) – 0.7957 cents per cigarette stick or 0.09 ounces of cigarette tobacco product.

The new rates are also available on our Cigarette/Roll Your Own (RYO) Cigarette Tobacco Product Special Fee Web page along with many other helpful resources.

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