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TCEQ Final Development Support Documents (DSDs)

DSDs detail how Effects Screening Levels (ESLs), inhalation Reference Values (ReVs), and inhalation Unit Risk Factors (URFs) were derived for specific chemicals. This page also links to Fact Sheets which summarize information used by the TCEQ Toxicology Division to develop those values.

Current Public Comment Periods

Proposed DSDs:

  • Chlorine Adobe Acrobat PDF Document

Ending October 20, 2016:

New InformationThree DSDs have been finalized
Hot TopicThe Hexavalent Chromium Oral Reference Dose DSD is now final
Hot TopicThe Toxicology Division is requesting toxicity information for n-Hexane
Hot TopicA new public comment period has begun for the Decane, All Isomers proposed DSD

How To Submit Comments

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/TCEQ-ESL-fact-sheet.pdf”]

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