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Texas Association Of Local WIC Directors Recognizes San Marcos WIC Director

The award honors local WIC directors who have made significant contributions to TALWD and to the Texas WIC Program, signifying the time, expertise and knowledge contributed each year by outstanding WIC directors in the state.

Staff Reports

On November 21, the city of San Marcos announced the Texas Association of Local WIC Directors recognized DerryAnn Krupinsky, Assistant Director of the City’s Neighborhood Enhancement, with the Art Fuston Award. Krupinsky serves as the head of the San Marcos WIC Program, which has offices in San Marcos, Kyle, Lockhart, New Braunfels, Seguin and Selma.

“I am honored to receive the nomination and the award,” Krupinsky said. “This award has previously been given to the greatest WIC directors in Texas, and I’m humbled to be placed in the same category. It was a rough year for the usually independent WIC agencies in Texas, but we prevailed because of our dedication and teamwork.”

The award honors local WIC directors who have made significant contributions to TALWD and to the Texas WIC Program, signifying the time, expertise and knowledge contributed each year by outstanding WIC directors in the state.



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