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Texas Comptrollers Office Updates Website Transparency Tool

AUSTIN Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced the release of updated state revenue and expenditure tool on the agency’s website.

“It’s never been more crucial to provide Texans with the tools they need to see how their tax dollars are spent and to provide lawmakers with the information they need to provide adequate oversight,” Hegar said. “My office has always been committed to giving taxpayers a user-friendly view into how government is treating their hard-earned tax dollars, and this newly refined tool is a continuation of that commitment.”

This powerful new visualization tool gives users a daily look into state government finance and allows them to download state financial data for further analysis.

Tabular data, charts, and graphs can help taxpayers, researchers, and policymakers search and explore vast amounts of government information with new perspectives, and easily compare various state agencies’ expenditures.

The new tool offers multiple transparency viewing options

  • Revenues – Explore 25 state revenue categories, and see how funds are allocated by object code, agency, and appropriation.
  • Expenditures – Select and compare 18 different state spending categories to see how the state allocates money to serve its citizens.
  • Payments to payees – Review individual payments, transaction dates, Comptroller object codes, and more.
  • Travel payments – Break down payments by agency, individual payee, type of travel expense, and more.
  • Economic development – Look at statewide economic development spending by fund, expenditure category, and recipient.

The new tool consolidates and replaces two others: Where the Money Comes From and Where the Money Goes.

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