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Texas has some safety requirements for public schools — but leaves most of the particulars up to education officials

Texas requires schools to have emergency plans and conduct safety drills. But a lot of decisions about safety are left to school districts and charter schools.

By María Méndez

Who can carry a gun in Texas schools?

Texas had eight mass shootings in the past 13 years. What happened in the aftermath?

* Information about the shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde is preliminary.
Source: Mother Jones’ mass shootings database
Credit: Mandi Cai


Texas’ recent string of deadly mass shootings has sparked public debate about gun rights — and a host of laws aimed at preventing the next one. See how lawmakers responded and how Texans felt in the aftermath with a timeline.

Who is in charge of school safety in Texas?

What safety measures are required or recommended in schools?

Does every school have police officers assigned to campuses?

“The most important thing is building relationships and stopping anything from happening before it happens,” Sparks said.

This story was originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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