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Texas House And Senate Pitch Funding Proposals For Public Schools

The Texas House on Monday pitched around $9 billion for schools. Roughly $7 billion in state funds would be added to public schools.

Budget documents published Monday evening show the House proposes an additional $1.9 billion to slow the escalation of property taxes, decrease the need for the Robin Hood system that requires property-wealthy school districts to subsidize poorer ones. 

Leaders of the Texas Senate on Tuesday proposed $6 billion for schools. This breaks down to giving schools $3.7 billion to provide $5,000 pay raises to each of the state’s full-time classroom teachers.

The Senate also plans to spend $2.3 billion to reduce the state’s reliance on recapture funding. Passing a budget is the only task lawmakers are required to complete during their 140-day legislative session that began last week. 

When will the Texas Legislature begin passing bills? Lawmakers can’t pass any bills for the first 60 days. There is an exception to the rule though.

Lawmakers can pass bills if they are declared emergency items by the governor. The governor usually declares emergency items during his State of the State, which is scheduled for next month. The House and Senate are currently adjourned until 2 p.m. on Jan. 22. 

SENATE VERSION: Summary of Legislative Budget Board Recommendations for 2020-2021 Biennium 

HOUSE VERSION: Summary of Legislative Budget Board Recommendations for 2020-2021 Biennium

This story originally published by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.


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