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Texas House Passes Dallas Pension Overhaul With Little Debate

The bill sailed through the lower chamber with three amendments from a Dallas lawmaker, all of which garnered support from author State Rep. Dan Flynn.

By, Brandon Formby


The Texas House on Thursday unanimously approved an overhaul to Dallas’ failing police and fire pension system, dealing a political blow to Mayor Mike Rawlings, who opposed the bill.

The lower chamber approved the bill with three minor amendments from State Rep. Yvonne Davis, D-Dallas. One of those amendments would allow pension members some flexibility over how they are paid annuities. Another would allow for lump-sum withdrawals in case of some hardships.

State Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Canton, who spearheaded the pension reform effort, accepted the three amendments. Davis did not bring up three more amendments she had pitched during a preliminary bill vote Wednesday. Her office did not release copies of the amendments.

Rawlings bemoaned the preliminary vote late Wednesday and said he’s already looking to the Senate to make changes to the bill, which has divided first responders and some City Council members.

This article originally published by The Texas Tribune.

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