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Texas legislature continues work on property tax reform

AUSTIN – State Representative Jacey Jetton announces support for House Bill 59 by Chairman Murr and House Bill 958 by Chairman Oliverson. These bills take significant steps to reduce property taxes without cutting education funding.

“Property taxes are out of control in Texas,” Jetton said. “It is unacceptable that an individual could be taxed out of their home due to ever-increasing property taxes. The Texas legislature must find a way to make meaningful reforms that will reduce property taxes without cutting funding to classrooms. I am proud to support House Bills 59 and 958, which will provide property tax relief by reforming the maintenance and operations portion of school funding. These bills take two different approaches to accomplish a similar goal, and I will support whichever bill makes it through the legislative process to provide relief to homeowners.”

HB 59 would eliminate the school maintenance and operations portion of property taxes that currently accounts for a large percentage of what individuals pay. The bill would also create a joint committee for the implementation of this bill.

HB 958 will deposit surplus state revenue into the property tax relief fund for use in reducing school district maintenance and operations property taxes.

Jetton has spoken on multiple occasions about the need for significant reforms to high property taxes in Texas. HB 59 and HB 958 take important steps to make this a reality, despite the economic concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unfortunately for Texans, who just received their property tax bills, both HB 59 and HB 958 have become bogged down in the House Ways & Means Committee and House Appropriations Committee respectively.

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  1. I just relocated to Texas in 2019 and I was aware of the high property tax but I didn’t realize they indefinitely increase to the tune of 2k a year. It’s absurd. Why do I doubt Tesla is suffering the same high percent as the rest of the community? I thought Texans valued freedom? This insane tax bill while the roads are in terrible condition, littering, pan handlers, and homeless, are encouraged by the local government. Shootings weekly and amber alerts daily. Hell, my nail doesn’t even get delivered until 8 pm. Boy did I have the wrong impression of TX before moving here. I’ll take my skills and assets to another state.

  2. Amen, Bro! I was born and raised here in Texas. Now that I’m over 70, and trying to live on a fixed income, I find it totally inhumane at the property taxes we are burdened with.
    I’m a fifth generation Texan, and as proud of this Texas Heritage, we are out of here to a much more friendly tax state.
    As Rick Perry might say, “Adios, MoFos”

  3. You’ll find the lion’s share of each bone-crushing tax assessment is caused by our local “school” district, which is dedicated to the indoctrination of all children toward a common goal: Critical Race Theory. (you know . . . certain races ain’t right, ’cause we say so).

    So get ready for more increases, e.g.: 300 percent increase in last five years, because teaching lies is expensive, okay?

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