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Texas State Among ‘Most Promising Places To Work In Student Affairs’

The Center for Higher Education Enterprise (CHEE) has named Texas State University among the 2016 Most Promising Places to Work in Student Affairs.
The study was conducted by CHEE as part of a partnership with Diverse: Issues in Higher Education and the American College Personnel Association (ACPA)—College Student Educators International.
Texas State was cited for its “Promising Practice” of fostering available and involved senior student affairs leadership.  Beyond senior student affairs leaders who are committed to use of the institutional missions to guide their decision-making, student affairs practitioners indicated that their senior leadership is often available and involved with them and the students. Student affairs practitioners at Texas State shared that it is clear Vice President Joanne Smith understands their work and regularly speaks with staff in the division to let them know that they have her support.
Now in its third year, Most Promising Places to Work in Student Affairs highlights 19 divisions of student affairs at ACPA-member institutions across the country. The findings were released in the Thursday, February 25 edition of Diverse magazine. New to this year’s edition is a list of five promising practices that exemplified why this year’s institutions were deserving of the Most Promising Places to Work in Student Affairs designation.

For more information, visit http://diverseeducation.com/article/81504/

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