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Texas State Students To Finish Semester Remotely

Texas State University will move to remote or alternative delivery courses from March 30 through the end of the spring semester.

President Denise M. Trauth made the announcement Thursday and said the decision was made to protect Bobcats from the spread of COVID-19.

According to Trauth, all undergraduate and graduate students will be able to complete the courses in which they are currently enrolled, and the university will work to find solutions for students without off-campus access to a computer or Wi-Fi.

“In accordance with social distancing recommendations, we request students living in residence halls or Bobcat Village return home or make other off-campus living arrangements for the rest of the semester,” Trauth said. “We know this is not an option for everyone and will be flexible.”

Trauth continued that students who need to remain on campus will have limited access to services and facilities such as dining and the LBJ Student Center.

Students living on campus should expect to be contacted by TSU Housing to be given directions about applying to remain on-campus, moving out, retrieving belongings and receiving a credit for housing.

The University will also move Spring commencement to August 6 and August 8; the updated scheduled is expected to be released in the near future. 

“Our faculty and staff are prepared to make the transition as smooth as possible and are here to help you,” Trauth said. “We will continue to share detailed information.”

“I am grateful for our staff and faculty who have worked tirelessly to support our university community in these extraordinary times,” Trauth continued. “I am proud to be a part of this amazing community, and your safety and well-being will continue to be my highest priority. Be well Bobcats.”

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