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Texas State To Host Appreciation Lunch For Hays County First Responders

SAN MARCOS — Grateful for the service of first responders every day and especially during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Texas State University will honor Hays County heroes with an appreciation lunch on Thursday, May 14, 11 AM to 1 PM at Harris Dining Hall.

In keeping with social distancing guidance, first responders are welcome to dine under tents or pick up a curbside meal prepared by Texas State Dining Services and hosted by the University Police Department (UPD).

“The family of first responders in the San Marcos and Hays County community are the best you can find anywhere,” said UPD Chief Laurie Clouse. “Texas State UPD joins the rest of the Bobcat Community in thanking these professionals for the role they play in keeping us safe.  We are honored to support them and show our gratitude for their tireless service.”

The Texas State Dining Services team is looking forward to preparing these special meals, partnering with the UPD officers who will be helping serve them.

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