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Texas State University Data & Demographics


The Texas Tribune’s go-to source for higher education data

**Printable PDF of Texas State University Data Report


The Texas Tribune Higher Education Explorer captures data on all 148 public and private colleges and universities in the state. Combining key academic, enrollment and financial records, this database collects and presents statistics about Texas’ institutions of higher learning in a way that is easy to understand and simple to navigate.


The Higher Ed Explorer complements our Public Schools Explorer, a comprehensive database of all of Texas’ 1,300 districts and 8,500 public schools, which we launched in July 2012. Taken together, these databases provide useful tools for parents, students and policymakers interested in understanding the data and trends behind education in Texas.


Data for the Higher Education Explorer comes from two sources: the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and the National Center for Education Statistics’ Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Each agency updates its data at its own pace, and not all categories are updated each year. The Higher Education Explorer reflects data available as of January 2015.


Texas State University-San Marcos

Public University

29,643 students


Texas State University-San Marcos, a public university located in San Marcos, has 29,643 students enrolled. 18,939 prospective students applied in 2013. 14,219 (75 percent) of those students were admitted and 5,181 (36 percent) enrolled in classes. It cost $8,060 in 2013 for in-state students, compared to $17,264 for out-of-state students.


For students admitted in 2011, SAT scores ranged from 460 to 560 on critical reading, 480 to 570 on math, and 440 to 540 on writing.


Texas State University-San Marcos is represented by Congressional District 35, Jason A. Isaac in Texas House District 45, and Donna Campbell in Texas Senate District

























































































*Data from the IPEDS Data Center and the THECB PREP enrollment report and Accountability System

 **Data for other Texas Colleges and University’s Link

***The Higher Education Explorer is a database demagraphic product by Texas Tribune, where this information was originally published. It is reprinted here through a news Partnership between the Texas Tribune and Corridor News.

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