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Texas State University Student Body President Faces Potential Impeachment

“In response to several inappropriate, unconstitutional, unethical, unthoughtful, and abusive actions committed by Texas State University Student Body President Connor Clegg, we the students of Texas State…”

CORRECTION: The original headline of this article was “Texas State University President Faces Potential Impeachment.” This headline was an error and should have included Student Body before President. It is the student body president who faces impeachment not Texas State University President. We sincerely apologize for the confusion and error.

The Texas State University Student Body president faces potential impeachment after posting several “offensive and racist” posts to social media.

Connor Clegg was calling for the removal of a University Star reporter and his editor for a controversial article called “Your DNA is an Abomination.”

Clegg published racist and sexist posts to his Instagram page. His posts, which has reached national attention since last Thursday, showed racial language against individuals from Asia and involved the sexualization of nuns.

Courtesy of the San Marcos Cinema Club’s FB page

Now a petition started by Alissa Guerrero, international relations senior, has received 1,885 signatures asking for Clegg’s impeachment.

The petition says, “

In response to several inappropriate, unconstitutional, unethical, unthoughtful, and abusive actions committed by Texas State University Student Body President Connor Clegg, we the students of Texas State University, his constituents, call for a trial of impeachment.

Connor Clegg has consistently abused his power as Student Body President on multiple occasions and displayed adamant disrespect and disregard for the struggles of our undocumented students and students of color. Most recently, however, Clegg has threatened and attempted censorship of the University Star and its contributing student authors because of a controversial column in conflict with his own personal view. By using the official Texas State Student Government twitter account and his position as president to publish his demands in an official manner, he has has failed to represent the issues of the student body over his own personal agenda and threatened the free speech of the only student-run newspaper on campus.

Tonight, Feb 5, the Student Government will discuss impeachment. Clegg’s Instagram can no longer be reached as the account has been deleted.

Last week, a Texas State Senate Committee held a hearing in the LBJ student center at Texas State to discuss free speech on Texas college campuses. Students, administration and organizations provided the committee information on free speech issues on campus and recommendations on way state legislation could help.


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