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Texas State University To Give Community Update On Spring Lake Dam

City staff will be on hand at the meeting to answer questions relating to floodplain issues and endangered species habitat. Texas State University staff will field questions about the project itself.

Texas State University and the City of San Marcos will provide a community update on the University’s Spring Lake Dam Stabilization Project Monday, Sept. 24 at 5:30 p.m. at the City Park Rec Hall, 170 Charles Austin Drive.

Texas State owns the 160-year-old dam, which has been damaged in flooding over the years and does not currently meet state standards.

The City of San Marcos has been included in the project discussion as an outside stakeholder.

City staff will be on hand at the meeting to answer questions relating to floodplain issues and endangered species habitat. Texas State University staff will field questions about the project itself.

The public is invited to attend.


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