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Texas State’s Hehmsoth Releases Quarantine Video “Basement Panorama”

SAN MARCOS – Hank Hehmsoth, professor of practice in the School of Music at Texas State University, has released a commissioned production of “Basement Panorama.”

“Basement Panorama” is a quarantine video, performed remotely by John Mills Times Ten, an award-winning 10-piece jazz group based in Austin.

“Basement Panorama” is an original composition by former Texas State jazz faculty coordinator John Mills and is released internationally by Fable Records. Hehmsoth serves as both the video editor and pianist in the video.

“This entire recording was done remotely in band members individual homes with no rehearsals,” Hehmsoth said. “Videos were done on iPhones and edited by me. This video is in honor all of our musician friends who, like us, are trying to figure out how to make music in their basements or home studios while we’re all feeling isolated.”

“Basement Panorama” may be viewed on YouTube at www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV81oYy90Ys.

Hehmsoth and Mills have worked together for 50 years and participated in a joint interview by Scott Laningham on SLRadio in August:www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsshIVvLljA&t=45s.

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