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Texas was a hotbed for corporate relocations in 2021

YTexas releases report detailing prolific corporate migrations to Texas

AUSTIN, Texas In 2021, 62 corporations relocated their headquarters to Texas, according to a report released today by elite business network YTexas. The 2022 edition of the Relo Tracker Report analyzes corporate relocation data to identify key trends and notable moves to Texas.

“Texas is pro-business, and there’s a reason these major corporations are choosing to relocate here. We have one of the largest economies in the world, a lower cost of living, favorable tax rates, fewer regulations, and access to top-tier talent,” said Ed Curtis, CEO of YTexas.

According to the report, the companies that moved their headquarters to Texas relocated from 17 states and three countries. California had the highest corporate migration with 25 companies choosing to relocate their headquarters to Texas.

The United Kingdom represented the most international corporate relocations to Texas (four companies), followed by Israel (three companies).

Central Texas significantly outpaced the rest of the state with 29 new corporate relocations to cities within the region. North Texas had the second-highest with 27 corporate relocations in 2021.

The 62 corporations that relocated to Texas represented 15 different industries. Technology was the leading industry relocating to the state followed by manufacturing.

YTexas, the go-to resource for companies moving to Texas, will hold its annual YTexas Summit in September at AT&T Stadium in Arlington.

The organization has also filed a patent for its business process and first-of-its-kind approach to economic development. To learn more about joining the YTexas network and attending the 2022 YTexas Summit, visit YTexas.com.

Data for the Relo Tracker Report is aggregated through independent research by YTexas. The report provides annual relocation data for corporations announcing their relocation to Texas within a calendar year. To view the Relo Tracker in its entirety, visit YTexas.com/relo-tracker.

YTexas is an elite Texas business network for companies relocating, expanding, and growing in the Lone Star State. The organization is the premier go-to resource for the most current insider information about Texas’ community, commerce, and culture.

YTexas provides a platform for the exchange of information and ideas and fosters long-term, mutually beneficial relationships that help culturally integrate companies entering Texas.

Headquartered in Austin, YTexas has received national acclaim for being at the forefront of economic development trends.

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