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Texas Water Symposium Will Discuss “One Water” And How It Can Provide Water For Future Needs

As the Hill Country continues to grow at unprecedented rates, our demands on limited water resources will increasingly outpace our supplies.

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Texas Water Symposium with a conversation about emerging water management techniques called “One Water” at 7pm on Wednesday, May 30th.

The program, titled What is “One Water” and can it meet the future water needs of a growing Hill Country? will be held at the Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg, Texas and will feature representatives from the cities of Fredericksburg, Boerne, and experts on the implementation of One Water in Texas.

This event is free and open to the public.

As the Hill Country continues to grow at unprecedented rates, our demands on limited water resources will increasingly outpace our supplies.

Over pumping our rivers and aquifers will result reduced spring flow, impacting everything from our quality of life, our economic health, and the waters that we depend on for our homes, businesses, livestock, the environment, and recreation throughout the region.

What will the future of the Hill Country look like with unreliable water supplies?

“Building expensive pipelines across the rocky Hill Country to bring in expensive water from somewhere else can be avoided by adopting a blend of traditional land stewardship practices and innovative engineering practices that more efficiently use the water we already have.” said Jennifer Walker, Texas Water Symposium Moderator and longtime regional water planner.

One Water is a concept of re-imagining how we consider traditional water sources.

Much like the techniques that ranchers have practiced for generations, One Water emphasizes slowing, spreading and sinking rainwater in our landscapes.

It looks for opportunities to consider all water—including stormwater, potable water, and wastewater—as potential supply in urban areas.

It seeks the triple bottom line—providing benefits for humans, the environment, and the economy. These concepts sound great—but what are the biggest challenges facing One Water’s implementation in the Hill Country?

Clinton Bailey –Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works & Utilities, City of Fredericksburg

Jennifer Walker – Texas Living Waters Project

Laura H. Talley – Director, Planning and Community Development – City of Boerne

Tim Proctor – Laney Development

Susan Parten P.E. – Community Environmental Services, Inc.

The Symposium is a partnership project of Schreiner University, Texas Tech University, Texas Public Radio and the Hill Country Alliance.

For more information, visit www.TexasWaterSymposium.com, and listen to past shows  online. To stay informed about future programs, subscribe at www.hillcountryalliance.org.

The Hill Country Alliance is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to raise public awareness and build community support around the need to preserve the natural resources and heritage of the Central Texas Hill Country. Visit us at www.hillcountryalliance.org .               


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