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Texting & Driving Simulator Can Change Behavior In A Fun Way

Simulator demonstrates the futility of texting and driving


By Robert J. Box


The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) and AT&T collaborated to develop the “Texting and Driving:  It Can Wait” simulator to demonstrate the dangers of texting behind the wheel in a safe, interactive, and fun way.


The simulator is free and syncs the operator’s smartphone with the simulator that is downloaded to a laptop, tablet or desktop computer.


Following the simulation, the operator is invited to take a no-texting-and-driving pledge, and the simulator results can be posted to Facebook and Twitter.


The simulator page with easy link for download can be found here.

Safety First Consulting helps businesses identify OSHA compliance issues in their workplaces, manage their safety programs, and we become accountable for the results.  In addition to offering custom written safety programs for companies, Safety First Consulting provides required safety training, industrial hygiene sampling, noise sampling, and workplace inspections.

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