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Thanks For Supporting Class Of 2019 Hamburger Fundraiser

The Class of 2019 held a hamburger fundraiser sale at Goodnight Middle School on Saturday April 23. The hard work of the students and parent volunteers paid off handsomely with over $1,900 raised. The Class of 2019 students and parent volunteers would like to pay a special thanks to McCoy’s Building Supply and Lolita’s Café for their generous donations that helped offset the initial costs.


A huge thank you goes out to the parent planning committee: Doris and Carl Contreras, Stacie Evans, Carol and Mark Fernandez, Ramona Mendez and Albert Rodriguez. The success of this event is owed to their donation of time, organization, and hard work.


Over thirty different student families also contributed to this event with monetary and material donations as well as ticket sales. Taylor Dickerson, freshman, was awarded a $25 gift card to Plucker’s for selling the most number of tickets.


“As the Freshman Class sponsor, I can attest that the student involvement and parent support of the Class of 2019 is a true gift,” said teacher Jennifer Rogers.



  • TOP LEFT | Ticket sales winner and class officers: Left to right: Dakota Fernandez, Taylor Dickerson, Maddison Mendez and Celie Contreras.  Alyecia Evans (not pictured)
  • TOP RIGHT | Thank you — Pictured Left to right: Alyceia Evans, Celie Contreras, Maddison Mendez, Ashley Storch, Rhiannon Barham, Jennifer Rogers (Class Sponsor), Dakota Fernandez, Taylor Dickerson, Luke Merchant
  • BOTTOM LEFT | Student volunteers Back row: Therrance Soto, Sydnie Counley, Celie Contreras, Rhiannon Barham, Isaac Romo / Middle row: Luke Merchant, Nate Martinez, Maddison Mendez, Ashley Storch, Taylor Dickerson / Front row: Dakota Fernandez.  Not pictured: Alyceia Evans, David Hernandez, Beck Jenkins
  • BOTTOM RIGHT | Parent volunteersTop: Carl Contreras Bottom Left to Right: Carol Fernandez, Jennifer Rogers (Class Sponsor), Albert Rodriguez , Ramona Mendez, Doris Contreras, Ashley Garza, Kris Castillo, Virginia Dickerson, Cliff Robertson, Mitzi Jenkins, Heather Fissel,  Katrina Storch.  Not pictured: Stacie Evans, Christina Hernandez, Denise Counley, and Mark Fernandez.

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