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The Benefits of Exercise

Posted by Staff
A balanced diet is essential for a happy and healthy life, but without regular exercise no amount of kale or kidney beans will make up for a lack of locomotion. I would say it’s 80% what you put into your body and 20% what you do with your body, but you can’t achieve health without both.
Just like certain foods protect us from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, regular physical activity has its own list of health enhancement. Without exercise, it’s hard to reach your full physical and mental potential and achieve overall well-being.
Some benefits include:
·         Controls weight
·         Lowers blood pressure and arterial stiffness
·         Enhances quality of sleep
·         Delays loss of muscle mass and strength
·         Improves balance and coordination
·         Improves flexibility
·         Improves digestion transit
·         Reduces osteoporosis
·         Reduces joint stress and back pain
·         Decreases incidence of heart disease
·         Reduces existing myocardial damage (Translation: It’s never too late to start exercising)
·         Decreases inflammation
·         Improves immune function
·         Decreases liver steatosis and fatty liver disease
·         Improves insulin sensitivity and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
·         Increases energy and reduces risk of depression, anxiety and stress
·         Improves cognitive function
It’s important to keep it in mind when it comes to exercise – how much, and which types, will benefit you most? Some people do better with more gentle, centering exercises, while others require vigorous activity. Experiment with walking, running, biking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, dancing, and simple strength exercises like planks and squats – your options are endless. When you find what works for you, you’ll be more likely to do it consistently and reap the benefits, including increased energy, improved mental clarity, optimal digestive health, and enhanced mood.
Exercise also produces the feel good hormone serotonin, which has an uplifting effect on your entire body. Discover what you love, and stick with it.
So what’s the secret to a successful and consistent exercise routine? Accountability! Whether you rely on a friend, family member, trainer, or simply your own willpower to keep you in check, having a goal system to track your progress is crucial. Keep a note of your exercises and check in with yourself once a week. Don’t forget to honor your great work with self-care – a massage, long walk, or watching your favorite TV show guilt free during your rest day.
Acknowledge all the types of exercise you do. Don’t feel like yoga is a workout? Your body says differently. Feel like you need to run 10 miles to make it count? Actually, less than a mile in, your endorphins are already soaring.
Once you find what works for you, and start noticing all the benefits you’re gaining, exercise will be like second nature and your body will thank you for it.
I am a certified personal trainer and have been training publically and privately for over 35 years. Currently, I offer women only, non-military style boot camps through Texas Fit Chicks in San Marcos. One at 5:30 AM MWF and one at 7:00 PM MTTh. Please email me at kay@texasfitchicks.com for details, if you are interested in joining us. To learn more about Texas Fit Chicks, check out the website www.texasfitchicks.com.
Kay Wilson, CHHC, AADP, CPT, CSS
Healthy Active Lifestyle Options

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