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The Brief: Implementing The New Campus Carry Law

by Polo Rocha
The Big Conversation
The legislative debate over campus carry is over, but just beginning is a months-long discussion over how campuses will go about implementing the new law.
The law, which Gov. Greg Abbott signed over the weekend, gives some flexibility to campuses, allowing them to establish gun-free zones.
Yet the law doesn’t specify much about what those zones should be like, so both sides of the debate are now focused on what possible restrictions may result, reports the Tribune’s Matthew Watkins:
Imposing too many restrictions would risk pushback from pro-gun groups and lawmakers, and legislators might be tempted to repeal the campus’ autonomy in 2017 if that happens. And gun rights activists say they’ll be closely watching to make sure the schools don’t go too far. 
“We know that is a possibility and we are prepared to take the necessary measures to protect students, faculty and staff,” said Michael Newbern, communications director for Students for Concealed Carry.
Newbern said his nationwide group has sued universities in the past for restricting students’ gun rights. Those schools include the University of Colorado Boulder and Ohio State University.
Similar challenges are likely in Texas, said University of Houston law professor Michael Olivas, an opponent of campus carry. But the threat of litigation shouldn’t deter the schools, he said. Universities are already allowed to set up areas where students can protest or electioneer, even thought that’s protected speech, he said. Rules prohibiting guns wouldn’t be much different, he said. 

Polo Rocha is a reporter for the Texas Tribune where this story originally published and reprinted here through a news partnership between the Texas Tribune and Corridor News.

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