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The Conversation Continues With San Marcos’ Underserved Meeting II

A FaceBook (San Marcos, TX underserved /homeless support) group was formed after the first meeting in order to create a digital space for resources and solutions, to those who need them, while preserving dignity through empowerment.

January 12th, 2017 7pm-8:30pm

518 S Guadalupe St, San Marcos, TX 78666

Goals of Meeting II:

  • Create a plan of action which can be implemented immediately and plan for the 2017 year.

Goals of Meeting I:

  • Idea and Scope of the Challenges Current Resources, What are they?
  • Inclusion, how to have more people involved and a diverse representation of the community.
  • Bring more members of the Distressed/Homeless/At Risk community to Meeting II

Breakout session will be into groups Groups of 5 -8 individuals representing a mixture of community members from Government/Law Enforcement, Concerned Citizen, Faith Based Organization, Distressed/Homeless/At Risk current or previous Community Member, Advocacy Group or Social Service Provider Discuss and develop presenting information based on conversation and shared information through answering:

  1. What are the solutions to resolve homelessness in San Marcos?
  2. What is the best way to access resources in our community?

Attendees are encouraged to bring suggestions and information to present during the group breakout session for efficient use of time.

A FaceBook (San Marcos, TX underserved /homeless support) group was formed after the first meeting in order to create a digital space for resources and solutions, to those who need them, while preserving dignity through empowerment.

Locals and long term citizens of San Marcos have noticed and increase in the distressed population after the recent historic floods and growth of the Central Texas corridor. This is a grassroots approach addressing the challenges and economic stresses growth brings.


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