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The Corridor Looks Back At 2016

block-quote-verticle-purple-bar-7x100With the new year’s arrival, we look back at the news that made 2016.

This year has had its ups and downs like any other year. The community has seen its share of tragedy, controversy and triumphs. Here’s a brief review of some of the things that have happened this year.

  • Jan. 24 — Tommy Ratliff accuses Sheriff Cutler of obstruction of justice in the case regarding Mr. and Mrs. Headland.
  • March — Hilary Clinton was elected representative of the democratic party in the Presidential Election.
  • May — San Marcos City Council voted to allow Texas Fish and Wildlife conservation to remove Cape’s Dam. But the decision sparked a controversy that has kept the 150-year-old landmark in the headlines since then. While city officials were for removing the dam versus repairing it, many members of the community objected to the loss of the historical feature. The Historical Commission threw a curve ball further into the city’s plans by announcing that Thompson’s island and Cape’s Dam were in the process of being added to the historical registry.
  • May 24San Marcos High School was hit with vandalism and damage. A senior prank escalated into vandalism after a large group of seniors broke into the school around 10:10 pm. Seven custodians were called in and worked from midnight to five am to clean up the mess.
  • July — Five Dallas Police officers were killed in an ambush shooting during a peaceful protest. The shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, was a military veteran who served in Afghanistan. Johnson was killed after negotiations between him and police failed.
  • AugustFabian Guerrero-Moreno and his wife, Kristian Nicole Guerrero were hit head on by an Impala on Hwy 21. Guerrero-Moreno was killed, and Mrs. Guerrero lost her unborn child due to her injuries. Shana Lee Elliot, the driver of the Impala, was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated.
  • September San Marcos High School principal resigns over a grade-changing scandal. Kelli Lopez allegedly changed the final grades of several students and awarded credits for courses not taken in her two years as principal at SM High School. Lopez resigned, and the school district launched an investigation to ensure school policies were being followed. Lopez is currently still under investigation by the Texas Education Agency.
  • September — The location of a new, large HEB on Hunter and Wonder World was a controversial topic. Some residents expressed concerns over the location being so close to the Purgatory creek and the flood plain. Others feared the traffic repercussions of the new store.
  • OctoberTexas State Student was found dead in Martindale after a fraternity Halloween party. Jordan Taylor’s body was found in the breaking system of a shuttle bus at Cool River Ranch. Authorities said her body had been dragged 500 feet by the vehicle; the last report from police said her death appeared to have been an accident.
  • October — Hays County added a bond election to the November ballot. The bond proposed adding $237.8 million to the county’s current debt. The money would be used to improve and expand the county jail and public services/communications facility. Voters approved the bond by a 51 percent vote.
  • October 11One dead, six injured in accident east of CR 266. A woman was killed when the vehicle she was riding in collided with another.
  • November — Republican Candidate Donald Trump won the general election for President of the United States. However, his win was controversial for many Americans and resulted in a number of protests. Texas State University was home to several protests, including a petition for the university to declare itself a sanctuary campus.
  • November — Governor Greg Abbott released a statement announcing that any state university and/or city that declared them sanctuaries would be breaking state law; sanctuary universities in Texas would lose state funding.
  • December — Two Lehman High School students were killed in similar but unrelated hit-and-run accidents. Joshua Gregorio “J” Marquez was struck on Dec. 24 and taken to Central Texas Medical Center in San Marcos where he died. Michael Mince was hit by a Dodge Pickup, Dec. 26, on Hwy 21; police are still searching for the driver.
  • December Pinky’s Wine Bar opens its doors at the Dahlia Woods Gallery. The new venue offers San Marcos residents a relaxed environment where you can drink wine and browse local art or books.

The list above isn’t everything that happened in 2016. The year was full of news.


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