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The Pathologist Names TXST Professor To Power List 2020

SAN MARCOS – Rodney Rohde, associate director of the Translational Health Research Initiative, professor in the College of Health Professionals and chair for the Clinical Laboratory Science program at Texas State University, has been named a finalist in the Pathologist’s Power List 2020.

The Power List recognizes motivating mentors, trailblazing innovators, social media gurus, and laboratory medicine heroes who have made a dramatic impact on laboratory medicine. Nominated individuals were evaluated by a panel of judges in four categories:

  • A Solid Foundation celebrates the educators, mentors, and selfless individuals who go above and beyond to support others.
  • Lab Heroes is for influential and highly respected professionals in the laboratory.
  • Big Breakthroughs highlights trailblazers working at the cutting edge and driving forward the future of the field.
  • The Social Network features social media users who have harnessed online platforms for education, outreach, and community-building.

Nominators commend Rohde’s commitment to spreading useful health information on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to curb the spread of infection. Terming himself a “hybrid professional,” Rodney entered medicine in 2002 after a decade as a public health microbiologist and molecular epidemiologist.

“If I could change one thing about our profession, I would like to see us become a licensed profession in all states of the U.S.,” Rohde said.

For more information, visit https://thepathologist.com.

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