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The Women’s Council Of Central Texas Medical Center: Women Investing In Women

“The Council’s investment in the well-being of women and children through our partnership has been profound,” said Marla R. Johnson, Executive Director of the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center.

SAN MARCOS, TEXASThe Women’s Council of Central Texas Medical Center provides opportunities to promote and support local programs that enable and empower women in challenging situations.

The diverse group of women is committed to making philanthropy accessible in Hays County by empowering women as both donors and decision makers.

Members of the organization share the understanding that encouragement and financial assistance are compelling factors in restoring stability and hope. 

The organization has invested more than $115,000 in local community organizations, such as the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center and Giving Hope of San Marcos, that address the needs and improve the lives of women and children.

“The Council’s investment in the well-being of women and children through our partnership has been profound,” said Marla R. Johnson, Executive Director of the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center. “The Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center has received grants from the Women’s Council that have helped us provide shelter for victims of domestic violence, provide counseling for local child abuse victims in a child-friendly environment at Roxanne’s House and provide abuse prevention programs in our schools.”

“We at Giving Hope of San Marcos are very grateful to the CTMC Women’s Council,” said Amy Yarbrough, President of Giving Hope of San Marcos. “Giving Hope of San Marcos began in 2007 as an event to serve under-resourced families in our communities through groceries, toys, food and entertainment. The CTMC Women’s Council contributions allow us to give each family a box of groceries valued at $50.”

Giving back starts with an idea and gains momentum with enthusiastic member participation.

For more information on how to become a member of the Women’s Council of Central Texas Medical Center, visit CTMC.org/giving/womens-council.


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