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Tomorrow Is Moving Day Coming For Lamar Programs To New Building

Tomorrow, Monday, February 22, 2016, students of the Phoenix and Rebound programs will start classes in their new facility located across the street from De Zavala Elementary and behind the Austin Community College-Goodnight Center. The new Mirabeau B. Lamar building includes 14 classrooms, a serving style kitchen, cafeteria, gymnasium, and offices within a 24,229 square footage area.
The classrooms for the district’s Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs (DAEP) – commonly called Rebound—are to the left of the visitors’ entrance, in the wing closer to Highway 123. The Phoenix programs are housed in the opposite wing to the right of the visitors’ entrance. The gymnasium and cafeteria are in the center, and they include a removable wall that will allow for expanded seating capacity for special events. The administration and support staff offices are also located in the building’s center.
Student drop-off points have covered walkways leading to entrances, and parking is available for visitors and staff at the upper level. Student parking is at the Austin Community College-Goodnight Center, next to the Auto Tech area. A walkway is provided to the new campus.
Furniture is assembled and in place within the building. This weekend boxes will be unpacked and supplies will be in place in time for school to start on Monday. Principal Judy Mitchell says the cafeteria still has some furniture coming that should be installed during spring break in March, but for the time being, the cafeteria will use tables and chairs brought in for temporary use.


Last week, teachers and office staff visited the site, found their rooms, and started planning for the great days of learning that will take place within the new Lamar facility.

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