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Traffic Lane Shift Sunday Night For Loop 82 Construction

City of San Marcos contractors working on the Loop 82 (Aquarena Springs) rail road overpass will be shifting traffic lanes to the north side of the roadway to allow construction of retaining walls, some of the bridge foundations and substructure.


The traffic lane change will occur overnight on Sunday, September 18. Four traffic lanes will remain open during the construction.


Laurel Lane, on the north side of the roadway, and the driveways, on the south side, entering the Texas State stadium parking lot, will become a right in and right out only configuration.


Post Road will not be changed with this lane shift.


This phase of construction is expected to be complete in 30 days, weather permitting.


For more information on the project, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering Department at 512.393.8130.

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