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TSU Professor Named To Class Of 2020 Fellows By American Association Of Geographers

SAN MARCOS – Richard Boehm, professor and Jesse H. Jones Distinguished Chair in Geographic Education at Texas State University, has been named a fellow by the American Association of Geographers.

The AAG Fellows is a program, started in 2018, to recognize geographers who have made significant contributions to advancing geography.

At Texas State, Boehm is the director of the Gilbert M. Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education and co-director of the National Center for Research in Geography Education.

Boehm was the co-coordinator of the Texas Alliance for Geographic Education from 1986 to 2010, which is now back under his direction. He also served as the chair of the Department of Geography at Texas A&M University from 1977 to 1994.

Throughout his career, Boehm has worked to improve the culture of support for early career scholars in geography and geography education.

He has organized early-career scholar conferences that introduced the next generation of geographers to cutting-edge research developments in the field of geography education, underscoring his commitment to the field.

AAG fellows serve as an august body to address key AAG initiatives including advising on AAG strategic directions and mentoring early and mid-career faculty. The title of AAG fellow is conferred for life.

For more information, visit http://news.aag.org/2019/11/aag-announces-2020-class-of-aag-fellows.

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