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TWDB Awards $7.7M To Improve Water Systems; San Marcos Among Recipients

Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approved $7.7 million to improve water systems in this state that includes $1.5 million for upgrading water systems in rural areas. TWDB officials approved $3 million from…

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approved $7.7 million to improve water systems in this state that includes $1.5 million for upgrading water systems in rural areas. TWDB officials approved $3 million from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to assist the city of Bandera.

The city will use the assistance to finance the planning, acquisition, design and construction phases of a water system improvement project. The city will replace a ground storage tank, an elevated storage tank and will install high-service pumps.

The project will help the city to increase its pumping capacity.

San Marcos received a $1.9 million loan and more than $1.2 million in loan forgiveness from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. City officials will use the funding for acquiring, designing and building a project to help prevent non-point source pollution to improve water quality in the Edwards Aquifer, that provides water for many in that area.

The Lake Amanda Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 in Tyler County received $1.5 million from the Texas Water Development Fund. The District will finance the restoration and rebuilding of the Lake Amanda Dam that was damaged from flooding that occurred in May 2016.

This article was originally published by Strategic Partnerships Inc.


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