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Two Charged With Murder, Aiding And Abetting In Slaying Of Federal Officer In Recent Oakland Courthouse Building

Defendants Allegedly Opened Fire on Unsuspecting Officers Guarding Courthouse at Federal Building as Public Demonstrations Continued Only Blocks Away

At a press conference held this yesterday at the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Oakland, the Department of Justice announced that murder and attempted murder charges have been filed against Steven Carrillo, the alleged gunman in the May 29, 2020, drive-by shooting that resulted in the death of Protective Security Officer David Patrick Underwood and injuries to a second security officer.

The Department of Justice also announced aiding and abetting charges against Robert Alvin Justus Jr., the driver of the vehicle from which Carrillo is alleged to have attacked the guards.

“Liberty flourishes in the rule of law,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers.  “Indiscriminate targeting of law enforcement officers by those motivated by violent extremism of any stripe is contrary to our nation’s values and undermines the powerful message of peaceful protestors. The Department of Justice stands in support of all Americans exercising their First Amendment rights to peaceable assembly and speech but we stand firmly against anyone who seeks to hijack the protests with acts of violence and destruction.”

The charges against Carrillo and Justus were brought in two criminal complaints, one filed against each defendant. According to the complaints, at approximately 9:27 p.m., on May 29, 2020, a white Ford Econoline-style van parked directly across the street from the federal building in Oakland on Jefferson Street.

The van was parked facing the guard post where Officer Underwood and his partner that evening stood guard to protect the building. The van was on the southeast corner in the spot closest to the intersection with an unobstructed view of the guard post.

Shortly after the van parked, a man emerged from the driver’s seat and walked around the area conducting reconnaissance for approximately ten minutes. Then, at approximately 9:43 p.m., the exterior lights of the van turned on and the van moved north on Jefferson Street toward the guard post.

The passenger-side sliding door opened, and Carrillo allegedly fired multiple rounds from a firearm toward the guard post, killing Officer Underwood and injuring his partner.

The incident set off an eight-day manhunt that came to a crescendo after a witness reported an abandoned white Ford van in Ben Lomond, Calif.

The van reportedly contained what appeared to be ammunition, firearms, and bomb-making equipment, and an effort apparently was made to alter the van’s appearance with spray paint and a wheel covering to disguise a missing hubcap.

Nevertheless, evidence from the van led deputies from the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office to Carrillo’s residence in Ben Lomond. There, Carrillo allegedly opened fire on the deputies when they arrived at his property, killing one deputy and injuring a second. During the attack, there was also an explosion on the property. 

The complaints describe a subsequent odyssey during which Carrillo was shot and fled the scene initially on foot, and then by carjacking a vehicle on a nearby highway. The chase came to an end when, still bleeding from his hip, Carrillo was taken into custody. 

Additional evidence was recovered at Carrillo’s Ben Lomond residence included an AR-15-style short-barreled rifle fitted with a binary trigger that fired one round of 9mm ammunition at the pull of the trigger and another round at the release of the trigger.

The rifle was fitted with a silencer that suppressed the sound of gunfire from the rifle. In addition, Carrillo appears to have used his own blood to write various phrases on the hood of the car that he carjacked. The phrases relate to an extremist ideology that promotes inciting a violent uprising through the use of militias.

Cell phone records from Carrillo’s phone identified Justus as a person with whom Carrillo may have been communicating in the days leading up to the drive-by shooting attack in Oakland.

On June 11, while the FBI had Justus under surveillance, he traveled to the Federal Building in San Francisco, met with the FBI, and was thereafter arrested for his involvement in the shooting, including his role as the driver of the vehicle.

“I applaud the agents and officers who investigated and captured those responsible for the attack on Federal Protective Service officers resulting in the death of Officer Underwood and serious injury of Officer Mifkovic,” said Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad Wolf. “As the nation’s largest law enforcement organization, the Department’s top priority is protecting the American people and our workforce, and we are not going to rest until these criminals are brought to justice. The assassination and injury of federal officers who swore an oath to protect the American public will not be tolerated. The Department of Homeland Security will continue its mission to end violent extremism in any form.”

The charges contained in the criminal complaints are allegations only. Carrillo and Justus are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Carrillo is charged with one count of murder of a person assisting an officer or employee of the United States Government, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1114(1) and 1114(3) and one count of attempted murder under the same statutes. If convicted of the murder charge, the maximum statutory penalty for this charge is death.

If convicted of the attempted murder charge, Carrillo faces a maximum statutory penalty of 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release, a $250,000 fine, and restitution.

Justus is charged with aiding and abetting the murder and attempted murder and faces the same maximum statutory penalties. However, any sentence following conviction would be imposed by the court only after consideration of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and the federal statute governing the imposition of a sentence, 18 U.S.C. § 3553.

Justus made his initial appearance Monday, June 15, 2020, before U.S. Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler, and was detained for further proceedings.

His next appearance is scheduled for Friday, 10:30 am, before Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore for identification of counsel and additional proceedings. An initial federal court appearance has not yet been scheduled for Carrillo.

The case is being prosecuted by United States Attorney for the Northern District of California David Anderson and the Oakland Branch of the Office of the United States Attorney with assistance from George Kraehe of the National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section.

The case is being investigated by the FBI, the ATF, the FPS, and the U.S. Marshal Service with assistance from the Oakland Police Department and the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office.

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  1. “In addition, Carrillo appears to have used his own blood to write various phrases on the hood of the car that he carjacked. The phrases relate to an extremist ideology that promotes inciting a violent uprising through the use of militias.”

    How do you write an entire piece about a right-wing extremist who wrote “Boog” (short for “Boogaloo”) on the hood of his car in his own blood, and has been promoting a race war between black and white Americans, and had a long string of posts on social media saying all this quite clearly and mention NONE OF THESE FACTS?!?!?

    “Extremist” in this case = white, right-wing racial terror ! “Violent uprising” = RACE WAR!

    How could you not mention ANY of this?

    This is the most sanitized “journalism” I have ever seen. You folx are really tip-toeing around this white supremacist movement that is doing the real violence, not AntiFa or “anarchists” or the black protestors.

    Why did you leave all that out and make it look so generic?

    1. Dahlia,

      We don’t see this story as “sanitized” and “generic” and “tip-towing.” We see it as delivering factual news without opinion.

    2. 1. Your bias is showing.
      2. You need to learn how to conduct research. Carrillo made anti-cop, anti-white & pseudo pro-antifa comments. He appears to have taken up the Anitfa cause. This could be considered another example of terroristic-violence tied to Antifa.

      But none of that really matters in the reply. So…

      Let me break it down for you. Crazy is crazy. We deal with crazy on a daily basis. Most of us are a little bit crazy. Some of us are extremely crazy. He was extremely crazy. He may have wanted to start a “race war” but that is a moot point now. Sounds like all he’ll be doing is staring at four walls.

      Its a boring article, but most news is boring. They only dress it up to get you riled and them clicks. This is an example of journalism.

      1. How could you read the more detailed news reports and see Carillo as antifa? He himself posted that he was part of the Boogaloo movement. Numerous times.

        He is clearly a white supremacist, race-war-promoting Boogaloo Boi, who posted to his friends in Boogaloo to use the cover and enthusiasm of the BLM protests to stir up violence that could be used to foment white vs. black sentiments.

        And to The Staff: Stating facts is not the same as expressing an opinion, but neglecting to state facts is a form of self-censorship, and could be seen as expressing an opinion by omission.

        Why are you hesitating to report that the man himself identified with a white supremacist hate group whose members got involved in the BLM protests to piggyback on them for their own purposes?

        I am actually surprised that you chose to report on this particular murder at all, having many times noticed the right-wing slant of this media outlet.

        1. I looked at the pattern. There seems to be a growing number of “false flag” actions. Is what he did really any different than using feces to smear messages all over walls? Not in my mind. So crazy is crazy. Crazy are more likely to come up with outlandish plans. So you cannot take anything specific as truth. You need to look at the pattern of action and work back to its reasoning in context of when & how it happened. In those contexts “BOOG” (or its variations) doesn’t really mean much.

    3. As always, Ms. Simone’s rhetoric relies upon her extremist ideology for promoting and inciting a violent uprising by use of looting and burning neighborhood business, including the destruction of public statutes she finds personally offensive.

      Or to paraphrase her own words:
      “Extremist” in this case = black, left-wing racial terror ! “Violent uprising” = RACE WAR!”

      Likewise, Ms. Simone, answer us
      “Why did you leave all that out, and make it look generic ? ”

      Don’t bother. The pictures from Minneapolis are worth a thousand words. Little by little the country changes as a result of the people we admire.

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