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TxDOT Takes Action To Reduce Speed Limit On U.S. 290

block-quote-verticle-purple-bar-7x100Speed studies are set through an engineering study—called the 85th percentile method—that reflects the safe and reasonable speed of the majority of drivers on a particular roadway.


AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Transportation has tentatively approved a reduction in the speed limit along US 290 between Fredericksburg and Stonewall in Gillespie County, after completing a speed study on the busy highway. 


The proposal must still be approved by the Texas Transportation Commission before it can be implemented. A vote is expected to be taken next month.


“Safety is our number one priority at TxDOT,” said Terry McCoy, Austin District Engineer. “Because of that, we moved very quickly on the speed study.”


Speed studies are set through an engineering study—called the 85th percentile method—that reflects the safe and reasonable speed of the majority of drivers on a particular roadway.


This is a sound engineering principle that allows TxDOT to set speed limits that maximize safety that are respected and obeyed by motorists. In addition to speed checks, crash history, turning movements, and roadway conditions are also considered during the study.


The community requested the speed study after a recent crash claimed the lives of four people. The speed study indicated the speed limit could be reduced from 70 to 60 mph.


“TxDOT investigates every major crash to see how we can prevent future recurrences,” McCoy said. “We listen, we learn and we look for the proper solution. In this case, the proper solution was a reduction in the speed limit.” 


If approved, the new speed limit signs will be installed as quickly as possible.


In addition to the speed limit reduction, a proposed project to widen and improve US 290 to include a center-turn lane in the area is under consideration for development as another means to help make the traffic flow safer and more effective in this corridor. 


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One Comment

  1. This dot needs to be more forthcoming on the data used to reduce the speed limit. Nowhere in the article does it state what the 85th percentile speed was reported.

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