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TXST President Announces Rules On Carrying Concealed Handguns

Texas State University President Denise Trauth has released rules regarding the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on Texas State campuses.
The rules are based on recommendations made by the Campus Carry Task Force at Texas State for the implementation of Senate Bill 11, or the Campus Carry Law. The rules, which take effect on August 1, 2016, will be reviewed by The Texas State University System Board of Regents during its May 2016 meeting. By law, the Board of Regents may amend the rules but must do that by at least a two-thirds vote.
The rules may be accessed at this link: http://www.president.txstate.edu/campus-carry
Although Texas State rules will permit licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns in most university spaces, the rules will prohibit weapons in some specific areas:
  • premises providing services and events for minor children
  • premises providing health services
  • premises used for disciplinary matters, legal compliance and counseling
  • premises used as an official residence
Additionally, by law, weapons will be prohibited from facilities where competitive sporting, NCAA and UIL events take place; and from areas designated as polling sites.
The Campus Carry Law, passed by the Texas Legislature in 2015, permits handgun license holders to carry a concealed handgun on university campuses, including buildings. The Campus Carry Task Force at Texas State, a committee of 25 faculty and staff members, students and administrators, gathered input from surveys and meetings with various university stakeholders and community members—including a series of six public forums—to address specific safety concerns.
The law specifies the university president “shall establish reasonable rules, regulations or other provisions regarding the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on the campus of the institution or on premises located on the campus of the institution.”

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