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TXST Students Petition For A Sanctuary Campus

By Katie Burrell


A Texas State graduate student began a petition in support of making Texas State University a “sanctuary campus,” on Tuesday, Nov. 23.


The petition, which was directed toward Texas State President Denise Trauth, was released by Benjamin Swenson-Weiner, communication studies graduate student, and has received over three-hundred fifty signatures from students and alumni within 24 hours.


Swenson-Weiner said he has received help from staff, faculty, students and other petitions nationwide.


The document stated, “Our vision of a sanctuary campus involves actively and vigilantly protecting Texas State University’s most vulnerable populations through administrative policies. Events both locally and nationally have demonstrated a need for Texas State University to strengthen its commitment to diversity.”


The petition was created in response to recent events in San Marcos including the incidents where fliers calling for the tarring and feather of school officials were posted, and recent acts of violence. Petitioners are seeking that university leaders take action to protect the school’s diversity.


Since the petition began, it has doubled in signatories. Swenson-Weiner said he will bring this petition to President Trauth’s attention at the Bobcat’s United Roundtable hosted by Student Government Monday, Nov. 28. 

For those wishing to find the petition:


[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Petition-to-Make-Texas-State-University-a-Sanctuary-Campus-1.pdf”]

This article originally published by the University Star.

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