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City Of Kyle Approves Contract For Mary Kyle Hartson Park Improvements

Corridor Staff

On Tuesday, the Kyle City Council approved a $2.5 million contract for a design-build on a new 2-story building on S. Burleson and improvements to Mary Kyle Hartson Park.

The contract was approved unanimously despite city council members not having a draft copy to review.

According to staff, they have been working diligently to get the contract in a place to be approved by council; however, it had not been finalized by Tuesday night’s meeting.

“We essentially have the contract in a position of awarding it to Edmondson Reed, which we haven’t done yet,” James R. Earp, Assistant City Manager, said.

Earp said the staff was recommending the council approve the design-build agreement with Edmondson Reed that would be in the final form as approved by legal counsel.

According to Earp, whenever a project has been time-sensitive and the council has approved of the contractor and the budget, they have on occasion elected to accept a contract before it was finalized as long as legal signs off on it.

The City of Kyle issued an RFP for the project earlier this year requesting proposals for the demolition of an existing building and the development of a multistory facility to serve as an economic primer in downtown.

Earp said the project will come before the council again for approval of the design details including floorplans, landscaping and the budget breakdown.

Staff said the overall budget for the project is $2.5 million; $85,000 will go toward design services and fees.

The project’s start date is projected to be November 2020 with an end date of April 2021. 

Mayor Travis Mitchell requested staff provide the council with copies of the contract as soon as it is finished.

In the motion to approve, the council noted the project’s maximum budget of $2.5 million. 

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