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Update: Gov. Talks With Dr. Fauci, New Executive Orders, Hospital Capacity, New Waivers For First Responders, Health Care Workforce


<strong>EDITORIAL NOTE</strong>
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a very fluid situation, and it will continue to be. As new information becomes available from the State of Texas and federal government agencies, we will publish those updates. Disclaimer: Some information included below is provisional and subject to change.


As more and more communities around the United States experience, a rising number of Coronavirus cases, state and federal officials are looking at ways to further prevent community spread, ensure public safety and combat the rising economic impact.

In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott issued an “Essential Services and Activities protocols,” which establishes restrictions similar to stay-at-home orders issued by a number of local governments in the state.

The “Essential Services and Activities” order extends the state’s coronavirus measures until April 30 and extends school closures until May 4.

The guidelines for residents to minimize social gatherings and minimize contact with people outside of the household as well as the directive to avoid eating out at restaurants, drinking at bars or visiting other businesses or facilities not related to essential services.

Governor Abbott Holds Call With Anthony Fauci, MD, Of White House Coronavirus Task Force

Governor Greg Abbott today held a call with Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House Coronavirus Task Force to discuss Texas’ efforts to combat COVID-19 and the state’s ongoing collaboration with the federal government to protect public health.

A readout of the call can be found below

The Governor and Dr. Fauci discussed the importance of adhering to federal guidelines to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

The Governor then detailed the uniform standard among Texans to stay home unless performing an essential service or activity as well as other actions the state of Texas has taken to combat the virus.

Dr. Fauci stated that this uniform standard, along with other actions implemented by Texas, will help achieve the goal of slowing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting public health.

The Governor and Dr. Fauci discussed the trajectory of COVID-19 in Texas and the importance of continued social distancing through April 30th.

The Governor and Dr. Fauci also discussed the expansion of testing in Texas. The Governor concluded the conversation by reiterating Texas’ commitment to working with the federal government during the COVID-19 response and by thanking Dr. Fauci for his leadership and advice.

Governor Abbott Waives Certain Regulations To Expand Health Care Workforce During COVID-19 Response

Governor Greg Abbott has temporarily waived certain regulations to expand the health care workforce to assist with Texas’ COVID-19 response.

Under this waiver, Physician Assistants (PA), Medical Physicists, Perfusionists, and Respiratory Care candidates for licensure who have completed all other requirements may enter the workforce under an emergency license working under supervision prior to taking the final licensure examination.

The Governor’s waiver also provides for emergency licensees to undergo name-based background checks in place of fingerprint checks while fingerprint checks are unavailable due to the crisis.

Additionally, the Governor’s waiver allows more flexibility between physicians and the PAs and Advance Practice Registered Nurses they supervise including allowing for oral prescriptive delegation agreements to enable rapid deployment of those practitioners during the emergency.

“The State of Texas is bolstering our response to COVID-19 by expanding our health care workforce and removing barriers that might prevent professionals from serving their fellow Texans,” said Governor Abbott. “Our front line health care professionals play a vital role in our ongoing response to protect public health, and we are committed to supporting them and ensuring they have the ability to perform their important duties.”

Recommendations Will Ease Backlog of Texans Unable to Access Unemployment System

AUSTIN- Over half a million Texans have filed unemployment claims in the last 18 days as a result of COVID-19. The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) will soon outpace the total number of claims received in all of 2019.

This unprecedented increase has led to long wait times, overwhelmed call centers and technical issues with the Unemployment Benefit Services portal. TWC staff is working around the clock to expand the capacity to take claims but needs your support.

Effective immediately, TWC recommends that Texans stagger their calls and access to the online portal based on the applicant’s area codes.

“The outbreak of COVID-19 has reminded each of us the importance of acting with others in mind,” said TWC Executive Director Ed Serna. “Just as with the virus, we can treat this problem far more effectively if we work together and space out the demand rather than having everyone call at the same time. I know there are Texans worried about being out of work and missing their paychecks. We keep working until every Texan that needs help gets help. We are asking for you to join the effort.”

Texans will not be penalized for a delay due to call or user volume. Claims for individuals affected by COVID-19 are eligible to be backdated. Staggering claims will provide help to reduce frustrations for many Texans and provide better access to needed services.

For more information on COVID-19 and unemployment benefits, visit https://www.twc.texas.gov/news/covid-19-resources-job-seekers.

Effective immediately, TWC asks that Texans use their area code to find their proposed call and access times listed below. See below chart for recommended call and access times:

Recommended Call and Access Times
Area Code of Applicant Suggested Call Time
Area Codes Beginning with 9 Mon-Wed-Fri 8:00 a.m.-Noon
Area Codes Beginning with 3, 4, 5,6 Mon-Wed-Fri 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Area codes Beginning with 7, 8 Tues -Thurs-Sat  8:00 a.m. – Noon 
Area codes Beginning with 2 Tues-Thurs-Sat 1:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.


Governor Abbott Provides Update on State’s Robust Hospital Capacity

Governor Greg Abbott held a press conference on Friday, to provide an update on Texas hospital capacity. The Governor was joined by Texas Department of Health Services Commissioner John Hellerstedt, MD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs of the University of Texas System John Zerwas, MD, and Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd.

During the press conference, the Governor and Dr. Zerwas presented an overview of statewide hospital bed capacity, as well as a detailed analysis of bed availability by region.

They also explained the state’s preparations to bring additional facilities online to provide supplementary healthcare capacity if needed. Hospital bed availability in Texas has increased by nearly by over 140% since March 18th.

“The State of Texas is ahead of the curve to meet our hospital capacity needs in the coming weeks and months,” said Governor Abbott. “Over the past several weeks we have taken action to expand bed availability to make sure that every Texan who needs a hospital bed will have access to one. The best thing Texans can do to help maintain hospital capacity is to stay at home unless they are engaged in essential services or activities. Staying home saves lives and helps our healthcare workers during these challenging times. I thank all the doctors, nurses, medical workers as they fight on the front lines against COVID-19.”

Actions Taken to Expand Hospital Capacity

March 22nd: Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order to expand hospital bed capacity. Under this order, the Governor directed all licensed health care professionals and facilities to postpone all surgeries and procedures that are not immediately, medically necessary to correct a serious medical condition or to preserve the life of a patient. The order also suspends certain regulations to allow for increased occupancy of hospital rooms.

March 24th: Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order requiring Texas hospitals to submit daily reports of hospital bed capacity to the Texas Department of State Health Services.

March 25th: Governor Abbott temporarily waived certain hospital licensing rules and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) adopted an emergency rule to meet Texas’ need for additional hospital capacity.

March 29th: Governor Abbott announced a joint effort between the state, the Texas Military Department (TMD), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to identify and equip additional locations to serve as health care facilities in the event that hospital capacity is exhausted. The Governor announced the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas as the first of these sites.

View the presentation on Texas’ hospital capacity.

Governor Abbott Suspends Regulations To Increase EMS, First Responder Workforce

Governor Greg Abbott today suspended regulations to increase the amount of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) workers and first responders in Texas during the state’s response to COVID-19.

Under the Governor’s direction, local medical directors for licensed EMS providers can permit individuals who are qualified, though not formally certified, to provide critical emergency response services for patients treated and transported by the EMS provider.

The Governor has also suspended certain skills testing requirements for EMS personnel in Texas and for out of state Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians seeking reciprocity in Texas so that these individuals who are qualified, but currently unable to take the skills test, are able to provide essential EMS services.

Additionally, Governor Abbott has also suspended regulations to allow first responder organizations to delay submission on their renewal application and completion requirements for licensure. 

“Our EMS providers and first responders play a critical role in the front-line fight against COVID-19, and these waivers remove barriers that could otherwise prevent a much-needed availability of essential EMS workers and first responders in our communities,” said Governor Abbott. “The State of Texas is committed to supporting the EMS and first responder workforce and maximizing the number of available response services for Texans.”

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