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UPDATE: Hays County, Weather Situation

16 June 2015 2:00 p.m.
Hays County elected officials and department heads continue to monitor the track of Tropical Storm Bill and potential weather issues from that storm. Required personnel are on standby should the need arise to activate the Emergency Operations Center. While localized heavy rain is possible, at this time the rainfall is not expected to cause a rapid rise in area streams and rivers such as the Memorial Weekend flood of the Blanco River. Ground is saturated and flood-prone areas may flood as well as some areas that are not frequently flooded.
No evacuations of low-lying areas have been recommended at this time. Residents and visitors are reminded to be vigilant about the weather and the potential for flooding in their areas. Law enforcement personnel are reminding residents to remain vigilant by going door-to-door in areas that have seen recent flooding. Emergency Management officials strongly urge residents throughout Hays County to monitor weather conditions and to register for emergency alerts by cell phone, email or landline at http://alertregistration.com/capcog/.
Flood gauges along the Blanco River that were damaged by the Memorial Weekend floods have been replaced by authorities and additional volunteer rain monitoring points in the county will provide information about rainfall in specific areas.
The Hays County Transportation Department has pre-set barricades at specific locations in order to quickly barricade flooded areas. Do not go around barricades – it could cost you your life and endanger first responders. It is also a Class B misdemeanor punishable by jail time and/or a hefty fine.
Avoid driving on roads with water covering them as only a few inches of water can cause a vehicle to float. Roads reported to Hays County as closed are listed at www.haysinformed.com along with other emergency information.

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