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US Military Installations and the Texas Economy

Posted by Staff | @CorridorNews

Texas is home to several major military bases and installations serving all branches of the United States military.

These facilities not only play a vital role in training our troops and defending our nation, they also provide a significant boost to our state’s economy and the local communities in which they are located.

Our wide-open spaces and natural resources enable the military to conduct a wide range of land and air training.

Projects on bases and surrounding communities help bring jobs, investments and opportunities for healthcare, education and real estate to Texans. And more retired military men and women make Texas their home after their years of service than any other state.

Texas’ military installations:

  • Provide an economic impact of more than $148 billion to the Texas economy
  • Account for 6 percent of the state’s economic activity
  • Employ more than 255,000 military and defense-related civilian personnel

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