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VA Finally Able To Remove Former D.C. Medical Center Director

VA Removes Former D.C. Medical Center Director — New Accountability Measures Used

WASHINGTON — Last week, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced that it has fired former Washington, D.C., VA Medical Center Director Brian Hawkins for his failure to provide effective leadership to the D.C. Medical Center. 

The department undertook this action using authorities provided by the VA Accountability Act, which the president signed into law in June. Hawkins was notified in late August that he was being proposed for removal.

“We at VA will use the authorities available to ensure our Veterans get the highest quality service and care possible,” said VA Secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin. “This is the right decision for Veterans in D.C., and employees at the medical center, and underscores our commitment to hold employees accountable if they fail to do their jobs or live up to VA’s values.”

VA initiated the latest action after the VA Office of Inspector General issued a new report finding that Hawkins violated VA policy by sending sensitive VA information from his work email to unsecured private email accounts. 

Read related coverage:

June 29, 2017 –  New Law Dramatically Speeds Up Hiring Process For VA Medical Center, Network Director Positions

July 17, 2017 – VA Announces Immediate Actions At Manchester VA Medical Center

Aug 10, 2017 – MSPB Forces VA To Take Back Fired Official


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