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Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan Kicks Off With Virtual Community Workshop

The City of San Marcos invites the public to participate in a virtual community workshop to kick off the Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan on Thursday, Feb. 25 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.

The comprehensive plan rewrite project, known as Vision SMTX, was directed by City Council.

It will create a visionary document that guides long-term decision-making for key components in the City such as housing, the environment, economic development, transportation, and land use.

Vision SMTX will replace the City’s current comprehensive plan, Vision San Marcos, originally adopted in 2013. 

“The goal of updating the Vision San Marcos 2013 Comprehensive Plan is to reflect the growth and changes our city has experienced since the original plan was adopted,” said Assistant Director of Planning Amanda Hernandez. “Community input during this online community workshop will ensure that we continue to build a San Marcos that is active, inclusive, safe, vibrant, and true to its character.”

Vision SMTX will establish the goals and vision for the City for the next 20 years. Community members will set the framework for the key components of the plan during the virtual community workshop.

To participate in the virtual workshop, residents can RSVP online. Instructions will be sent to the email address provided.  More details may be found at www.visionsmtx.com

For additional questions, please contact the Planning and Development Services Department at planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov or by calling 512.393.8230.

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