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Volleyball Raises Money For Pink Heals Hays County

SAN MARCOS, Texas – The Texas State volleyball team recently held a fundraising event for Pink Heals Hays County in an effort to help raise money for the organization.

In conjunction with their Sept. 30 home match against Coastal Carolina, the Bobcats took donations and held a silent auction as part of their annual Pink Out contest to help promote breast cancer awareness.

In total, Texas State volleyball raised $7,788 for the local organization. The Bobcats presented Pink Heals with the donation during the Oct. 25 match against UT Arlington.

“We are so honored and grateful to be able to give Pink Heals almost $7,800 this year,” TXST associate head coach Tracy Smith said. “Our fans and supporters stepped up in a big way Sept. 30 with their donations. Pink Heals helps women in Hays County with cancer, and we know the proceeds go directly to those in need in our community. We want to thank Chris and Kathleen Chomel for working with us every year to make the event possible. We would also like to thank all the Pink Heals volunteers for all they do.”

The mission of Pink Heals Hays County, as found on their website, is “Inspiring our communities to come together for the love of their people and not one specific disease or cause. By putting our women and their family first we all have to come to the table in support! Then guarantee that all the money raised from our initiative stays local. We focus on our tax based groups first because without the support of our community (their taxes and votes) we wouldn’t have our jobs!!!!”

Pink Heals Hays County is a chapter of the National Pink Heals Tour and has donated more than $107,000 since 2012 to assist families in their battle against cancer.

For more information, visit www.pinkhealshayscounty.org.

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