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Voter Registration Data Of Millions Exposed Online

by John Reynolds

Just in time for the first contests of the 2016 presidential race comes word that voter registration data for 191 million Americans has been left exposed on the Internet.

An Austin-based security researcher told Politico that the information was left unsecured “by a misconfigured server owned by an unidentified data aggregator.”

“It’s still open to the Internet. Anyone in the entire world with no authentication can access this thing,” said Chris Vickery.

The head of a campaign software vendor that might be the source of some of the exposed voter information told Politico that the information appeared to consist of already publicly available information.

That might not be of too much comfort to voters, though. Craig Spiezle, executive director of the Online Trust Alliance, told Politico that voters consider information like addresses, party affiliation and voting history to be private.

This article originally published on The Texas Tribune.


Previous comments:

Joni Bumgarner: What data specifically? SSI numbers? Addresses?  Who or what we voted for?

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