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Want To Run For San Marcos City Council? Here’s How

Corridor Staff

The City of San Marcos has published the candidate packet information for those seeking a place on the ballot for the upcoming General and Special elections taking place this November.

Positions to be filled during this election include the offices of Mayor, Council Member Place 3, Council Member Place 4, and Council Member Place 5 (Special Election to fill a vacancy).

Applicants must submit Candidate Packets, which include the general application, financial disclosure information, and commitments to adhere to ethical obligations.

Residents can schedule a time to pick up a paper copy of the packet by contacting the city clerk’s office at cityclerk@sanmarcostx.gov. Or packets can be accessed online and downloaded here

The final date to file for a place on the ballot for the General Election is Monday, Aug. 17, and the final date to file for a place on the Special Election ballot is Thursday, Aug. 20.

Early voting will take place from Monday, Oct. 19, to Friday, Oct. 30, and General Election Day is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Candidates who have submitted candidate packets will be listed under the headline of the public office sought on this page.

Residents can contact cityclerk@sanmarcostx.gov for more information or if they have questions.

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  1. These fools need to go. But how does anyone run for office when we are constantly running around trying to mitigate the knee-jerk dictates and unmitigated disaster the current City Council has forced upon us?

    COVID was not a problem until the City Council made it a problem. Police relations were not a problem (and I feel they still aren’t a problem) until the City Council opined about a death that happened 1,207 miles away. Parks closed despite evidence that fresh air and exercise are the best defense. Flat refusal to remove barriers when the parks were reopened. Bars closed driving our college students to binge-drink at home. Small businesses shuttered. Children who haven’t seen their friends in over 4 months.

    San Marcos is beautiful. And it is amazingly convenient. But the City Council has managed to turn it into a horrible place to raise a family. I’m starting to regret moving here. Maybe I’ll take my family, time, and talents to elsewhere. Wyoming, the Dakotas, Idaho, Utah… Places where they’ll leave me alone to raise my family.

  2. Dear Mr. Holeman:

    Moral courage = Run for office.

    Secondly, why not check your spam for email.
    Maybe people have been trying to contact you since over 30 days ago.

    Better still, why not ask SMCorridornews for my email address ? They have my permission to do so.

    1. Ya, but if I may steal a phrase from the American Red Cross First Aid training. You need to make sure the scene is safe.

      And right now the dictates coming down pose multiple unpredictable threats. I would be gotta make sure the family is taken care of first.

      And to a lesser degree, the Pottery Barn rule.

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