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Wimberley City Council Issues Public Health Advisory Related To COVID-19

WIMBERLEY, TEXAS — A Public Health Advisory on helping community members and visitors stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic has been issued by the Wimberley City Council, effective Friday.

The Advisory closely follows the guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including wearing cloth masks at all times in public, continuing social/physical distancing, and staying at home as much as possible.

COVID-19 cases in Hays County are continuing to rise and are documented on the County’s dashboard, which is updated daily.

Council approved this Advisory unanimously at the April 30 Special Meeting to reinforce to its citizens the importance of maintaining these precautions.

The Advisory builds on the Declaration of Public Health Emergency, issued March 16 by Mayor Susan Jaggers, which enables the City to be eligible for state and federal resources that may be available.

This Advisory strongly recommends the following:

  • Practice social distancing, environmental sanitation, and cleanliness; and to wear cloth face coverings or face masks while in public
  • Stay home if sick
  • Limit contact in public, and only leave home when necessary to obtain or provide essential services
  • Limit contact with public surfaces – sanitizing them if possible – and washing hands after touching surfaces other people have touched, such as door handles and gas pumps

The Advisory will remain in effect from May 1 at noon until further notice. A copy of the Public Health Advisory can be found on the City of Wimberley’s website by visiting https://www.cityofwimberley.com/covid19.

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